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How to manage an Effective Shift Planning for the teams to adhere the production schedule

Effective Shift Planning Software

How to manage an Effective Shift Planning for the teams to adhere the production schedule

Employee absence impacts production and delivery timeline, missing of real-time visibility into employee shift scheduling is what make it difficult to mitigate. Automated employee scheduling allows shift scheduling manager to receive alerts in real time and enable them to find the most suitable employees to fill each shift by just swapping from their mobile device. Time and attendance monitoring software combine time tracking and shift scheduling to provide your employees with increased flexibility.

Manufacturing business with large workforce need to have a sound attendance management software to ensure that the employee attendance is accurate. Most organizations operate in multiple shifts and without this automated attendance processing system effectively managing the workforce is a bit challenge for HR managers & admin. With a best time and attendance monitoring software, you can automate this crucial function and streamline the most vital day-to-day operations of any business.

By installing an effective time and attendance tracking software employer can seamlessly manage unscheduled absences, without distressing other employees or their productivity.   Employers can customise & get overtime rules they follow for each group of employees, and the software will automatically process overtime wages every pay period. The software helps maintain labour compliance, facilitates in accurate and error-free calculation of wages.

To Save time spent on planning workforce schedules and shifts, time and attendance software streamlines the process of schedule creation, you can define shift plans for a department or even an employee and manage complicated shift plans such as rotating, overlapping, and over-night shifts without any complication. With the right attendance management software, you can plan better for employee absences, this in fact will allow your employees to take the burden off your shoulders and make it easy to generate reports.

By leveraging time and attendance software you can define your attendance settings to suit your organization’s needs and enable your employees to get greater transparency, improved communication and engagement. So if you are looking for shift scheduling feature in employee attendance monitoring software contact us or leave an enquiry.