To meet the increasing economic pressure, it is imperative for businesses to ensure efficient utilization of their critical resource human capital. For any organization big or small Employee Time & Attendance tracking forms an integral part of employee management. Technological advancement has revolutionized each & every space of our life, and so is our Human resource function. As manual time tracking system increases organization’s exposure to the chances of inaccurate time tracking, we can see increasing demand for automated Time and Attendance Management systems.
A good time and attendance software will continue to function properly as an organization evolves. The sophisticated modules present will help HR’s Minimize errors in bookkeeping and efficiently organize labor data even from remote location, improve workforce productivity, saves computing time and thereby ensures compliance with labor regulations.
Few Key Modules & functions include
- Enhance employee utilization by scheduling flexi work hours
- Dashboards to view in-depth employee attendance, exception details
- Make smarter decisions with customized reports
- Configurable data collection mechanism from various databases
- Define Global and Restricted Holidays region wise /level wise
- Month & year closure for easy calculation of leave arrears
For information accuracy, reliability and to address workforce attendance issues, control labor costs by reducing over-payments install Time and Attendance monitoring system, a Critical resource of HR function. To know more details to simplify and streamline certain HR functions within the organization contact us.
Performance of businesses today is managed by aligning the business strategies, operational objectives and set of business activities. Business performance is a combination of management and analytic processes that drives an organization to achieve the business goals. It is evaluated by analyzing the real time data of an organization.
Significant data that helps to evaluate performance of businesses is employee’s data. Automated Time and Attendance software highly takes part in this process and provides precise employee data compared to other manual systems. Employee time and attendance reports generated by TimeChecksoftware allow management to discover the variants that impact business performance.
Listed below are the few areas where time and attendance software brings impact over business performance:
Reliable accuracy
Employee Time & Attendance Tracking Software provides the accurate employees attendance data; it effectively avoids data-inaccuracies and time theft.
Bottom-Line Savings
An Automated Employee Time Attendance Tracking Software saves cost by avoiding the discrepancies in payroll calculation, un-wanted punches and eliminates overtime cost that leads to bottom-line savings.
Standardized Culture
Timecheck software allows employees to access their information and enables them to positively plan their leaves & permissions well in advance that lead to balance and manage tasks effectively. Regulatory compliance of employees with organizations policy increases the productivity; it makes great improvements on the business performance.
Automated Employee Time Attendance Solutions with wide range of reports plays a significant role in driving revenues that leads to enhance business performance.
Are you a business owner? Want to improve your business performance? Now it’s the time to automate your employee attendance management, Contact us for automated time attendance software.