Case Studies
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Overtime & Permission Management Solution for a Training Academy

Overtime & Permission Management Solution for a Training Academy

Client is into providing training for advanced printing, Animation & Multimedia, Office Automation etc. With centers all over major towns in Kerala.

Business Requirement

Client was in need of an automated Web based attendance tracking software that would cover their organization Policy in Specific. They preferred to get the attendance monitoring software as customized for OT hours & permission calculation as per defined rules.

Solution Provided

The Solution we offered is customization of our software to fit their organization Norms. As per requirement we customized the Time & attendance Management system.

OT calculation

Now the employee who is willing to do OT can inform his superior authority & he will raise a request for the employee. This application is enabled to process the request only if the employee has completed his day duty hrs.

Permission Allotment

Further, the permission module has been customized as every 4 months once system need to accumulate the total permission hours taken by the employee, in that 4 hours will be deducted after the deduction still if there is any more hrs. exists then for each 1 hr half day CL will be deducted from employee Quota.


  • Assigning of employee overtime was quite easy
  • Handling of various discrepancies in Overtime is easy now
  • Time got saved as the superior authority doesn’t need to cross check completion of employee’s day duty hours
  • Permission management is made efficient, additional Permission hours taken will get accumulated automatically and CL deduction will happen.