Reduce Employee Time theft with Timecheck’s software

Time thefts are one of the common issues employers face in a company / organization. What is Time theft? Generally, there are kind of employees who use techniques such as buddy punching to gain attendance without having to come to office and few others waste their working time in the office to steal time. If the employee is on the clock but doesn’t work then he is stealing time and that is called as Time theft.

To be simple, Time theft happens when an employee gets paid by his/her employer for the work that has not been done. And it is the companies who are paying heavily due to this through high salary & low productivity. According to a study, it is said that an average employee steals 4-5 hours per week which is shockingly high considering the workforce of large scale environments.

When you take a closer look into the issue, the companies that suffer more are the ones that don’t have a proper time and attendance system to monitor & manage employee timekeeping. The four main types of time theft that are prevalent among employees are

  • Buddy Punching
  • Extended breaks
  • Misuse of On duty/sick leave
  • Personal time usage

All these factors cost employers thousands of dollars every year. Big or small, whatever the size of your company maybe, each and every company has to deal with this problem and for those companies with distributed workforce and wide range of shifts & departments this is definitely an issue to arrest.

How to deal with this time theft? Simple, equip yourself with a good, enterprise grade Time & attendance software. TimeCheck is an enterprise grade web based software with robust features to simplify Time & Attendance process. It adapts to any organization’s Time & Attendance business needs & helps managers to track employee attendance accurately against the approved leaves & allocated shifts. Thus effectively eliminating employee time theft and improving business productivity.

Worried about Time theft? Need a proper Time and Attendance solution? Contact us to know how our Time and Attendance software will fit your organization rules and enhance your workforce productivity. We are just a form away.

Healthcare workforce management with time and attendance system

Over the last decade, there has been a noticeable change in healthcare industry which had a positive impact on overall growth of the healthcare workforce management system, this happened with the introduction of new innovative solution Time and Attendance system to efficiently manage the healthcare workforce without complexities.

Healthcare organizations employ diverse individuals, and they will be working 24/7 in their respective shifts. As every single individual in this industry should make their presence in every stage of treatment they provide, managing workforce in this atmosphere will be a complex task, and should have proper scheduling of workforce to maintain workflow and deliver quality care to the patients.

The foremost way to streamline such complexities is to track and manage the employee’s time and attendance, with this transparency the administrators or the chief officers in the industry can plan their employee’s shifts and can find the required individual availability.

Time and attendance solutions in healthcare industry will improve operational efficiencies, workforce productivity and bridges the gap between planning & execution of workforce tasks, which has become better to handle discrepancies.

Timely data management with time and attendance solution provides true integration between staff scheduling and payroll, Apart from that few benefits in using these solutions are listed below:

  • • Improves accuracy via automatic time allocation, validation, and processing
  • • Ensures compliance with applicable leaves
  • • Uses real-time data to maintain, open shift management, staff scheduling and payroll
  • • Applies complex, user-defined pay rules to automate time and payroll calculations

Time and attendance solution lets you focus on patients, Not Paperwork. To know more about time and attendance solutions contact us.

How organizations can save time and be more efficient

For every organization it is very vital to continually look for ways & implement strategies to improve and maximize business efficiencies. In day to day life, we could see organization’s which computerize and automate key human resource activities gets significant improvements in productivity. Likewise organizations that implement time & attendance system to enable workforce comply with wage-and-hour regulations are able to enhance efficiency and save money.

Statistics disclose that inaccuracy in payroll calculation alone makes up for a minimum loss of up to 6% of costs. Instead of doing things the way they were done earlier, Automating Time & Attendance processes with biometric devices will immediately help your organization reduce labor costs, additionally will make you free from the routine task of tracking employees work time in timesheets, freeing up managers valid time that would otherwise be spent on dealing with challenges at work. Salary overpayments, time theft, human error, non-compliance to company leave policy etc which are “hidden” costs to the organization can be eliminated.

Integration of Time & Attendance system to keep track of employee attendance accurately against the approved leaves & allocated shifts will improve accuracy and will save time & avoid discrepancies at time of payment. With time & attendance system in place employees will come to know that they are being monitored and will not get away with long breaks or early departures. Great level of insight is possible with Automated Time and Attendance tracking reports. Having this system configured as per business policy will eliminate human errors, compliance violations, time theft, and other time-related issues that lead to revenue leakage. Productivity will automatically increase as the process configured increases accountability & transparency.

With Timecheck, time &attendance tracking software in place organizations can streamline the payroll process and provide HR managers with timely labor data to more effectively manage their workforce and increase overall productivity.

Why time and attendance for Logistics sector?

Globalization and the development of online businesses have transformed logistics into a dynamic and fast-growing sector. Exact delivery, reliability and punctuality are the significant factors and the key route to triumph in logistics sector. Time and attendance software solutions cater to meet the requirements in logistics sector.

Based on a research, companies devoid of an automated time and attendance solution are liable to overpay employees by 1.5% to 10% of gross payroll, because of time theft and error driven calculations.

For logistics sector, it is essential to track the overall time worked by their employees accurately. Without an employee time management solutions, it is an immense challenge to maintain accurate details of time worked by employees. Time and attendance software helps to standardize and streamline employee attendance management system by reducing operating costs. In complicated situations, time and attendance software applies the correct standards and work rules to accurately capture employee time. These persuade elimination of overpayments and underpayments resulting in approximately 1-6% gross payroll savings in logistics sector.

Reasons to implement time and attendance software in logistics sector

  • • Manages remote workforce efficiently and effectively, Manage & reduce absences, Track and enforce employee attendance and improve productivity.
  • • Proper shift allocations, reduce overtime expenditures, and keep track of absence practices that are against company policy.Access real-time data so you can view and report on absences, overtime and other issues related to cost and productivity.
  • • Eliminates buddy punching and saves money. Putting an end to buddy punching and other fraudulent practices.

If you need a Time and attendance software solutions, which suits your sector contact us and enhance your workforce management.Click for demo.

How does time check software help businesses save money?

Nowadays in the world of business it is essential to have software’s that helps to reduce the cost and time of a business firm. Either it’s a bigger or smaller business organization they need some basic softwares to overcome their difficulties. TimeCheck, employee time tracking Software is one such kind to overcome the shortcoming in manually processing employee Time & attendance data,

TimeCheck Software helps a business organization to save money in different ways, below listed are few of them

Less Paper Work

In olden days if a person runs a business it requires lot of paper work to follow such as tracking employees shift time manually, calculating payroll process, maintaining employees overtime and leave letters. Now these tasks come under one roof- TimeCheck Software.

Accuracy in billing an Employee

By using this software business organization can pay an employee accurately, as cumulative work hours, leave and permission reports are all calculated using this software efficiently. Hence the organization can save money by paying the exact income for the employee.

Avoid Fraudulent

In case of manual entries there is a chance for negligent professional behavior by the employees, i.e. they can intentionally make a wrong entry in the attendance book. This type of frauds can be avoided by TimeCheck Software where biometric access cannot be manipulated.

Less Human Workforce

Business organizations have various departments that need human workforce within the campus in every department entrance gate to verify the manual entries of employees “In and Out”. With TimeCheck Software there is no need for human workforce, as the entrance access can be used only by an employee who has the privilege of entering the department.

Work Order Management

If an employee taking a day off on the client delivery date, the leave intimation will be known prior to the project head from the TimeCheck Software, so that he can make an alternative to deliver the project to the client on right time thus saving money and trust of the organization.

With the use of the TimeCheck Software (enterprise grade web based software) a business organization can effectively maintain the Time, Attendance system effectively and save money.

If you are really interested to know more about the product and save money in your business then Get Quote here.

Tips to purchase a web based Time & Attendance tracking Software

Employee Attendance tracking is a significant task for every company especially where hourly employees are employed for a job. Employee Time keeping & Attendance Tracking Software from TimeCheck caters to the needs of such companies. It helps them to ensure that you don’t pay employees for time not worked.

Integration of this time and attendance system will help companies to organize their working system in a superior manner, produce maximum returns with minimum efforts. Above all, it will streamline time keeping process & allow you to monitor and manage employee work hours on the click of a button, contribute to cut costs. Do you have an idea of purchasing a attendance tracking software, then look to the following tips?

  • Asses your company needs and look to product that has features to monitor time effectively
  • Research & find a Time Keeping software that contribute to the smooth functioning of payroll system
  • Ensure the software you purchase for employee time tracking is simple to use
  • Verify it eliminates buddy punching & time theft
  • Check for measures to guard against any basic time keeping issues

Without this employee time tracking would remain a hectic process, moreover you can’t keep an eye on the performance of your employees. With this time keeping & attendance tracking software every employee will become accountable for his or her timekeeping work hours. To know more details on the features of our Time and Attendance tracking software click here

Things to consider before implementing a TC software for your organization

It is very common to spot a Biometric device in an office or an organization these days. Previously when employees had to punch their cards or when the timings were manual noted, there were errors and chances for some mal practices like buddy punching, wrong time entries etc.

The importance of time and attendance software has really been understood and most of the organizations have started using them extensively. Biometric devices with fingerprint scanning technology along with a time and attendance software have eliminated such errors and malpractices.

So if you are planning to go with employee time attendance software, what are the things we should look into before opting one? Let’s have a look into it.

Organization Size: For a small sized company, a basic time and attendance software is enough to record the clock in and out times and calculate hours. But for a big organization with growing number of employees, you should decide upon the number of devices needed and their placement, integrate with a time and attendance software.

Scheduling: If your company has multiple shifts, flexible timings, permission, late entry management etc. the software should provide flexible time calculation features as a whole and also to an individual employee according to the needs.

Custom Reports: Not only employee timings but the whole payroll process can be integrated in these software. List out the different kinds of reports you need to generate regarding employee management like worked hours, late entry, leave and permission, extra hours etc. The software you are going with should be able to give all those customized reports.

Data Storage and access: Consider the scalability of your organization and opt for a device, time and attendance software that will store the amount of data and generate custom reports. Also give access rights according to the users & their needs. Some may need only viewing rights and some may need administrator rights, therefore the software should be able to handle privileges based on user types.

Employee Access: Decide about the access and features to be given to employees. Time and attendance software allows employees to apply leaves, permission through the software for quick approval. They can track the leaves availed, late entry and HR can monitor their late working hours and can correct them to increase productivity.

Once the above points are satisfied by your time and attendance solution then you can go ahead on implementing the same in your organization. It is primarily your organization needs that define the time and attendance solutions, so for more answers to your questions, request a demo and make a wise decision.

Benefits of Time and Attendance Software for Organizations

An automated time and attendance management software is the only solution for your organization to save money and eliminate the annoyance of manual process. Enhance efficiency, manage manual labor costs and increase profits by executing an electronic, integrated time and attendance system.

Integrating an automated time and attendance solution will differ based on your organization’s operational patterns and distinctive requirements. But whatever the nature of your business, you can rest assured that a time and attendance tracking software and related employee time management solutions will facilitate your organization run more efficiently and competently.

Here are some of the advantages of using Time and Attendance software:

  • Reduction of Errors & Enhanced Accuracy: Time and attendance software helps in reducing the human errors. Accuracy rate of automated time and attendance solution is more than 98.9% versus manual systems by eliminating errors in data entry and calculations.
  • Time & Cost-Effective: Executing a technology based time and attendance solution will instantly help to reduce organization’s employment costs. Manually collecting, managing, supervising, manipulating and processing time data to process payroll consumes lot of time; however with an automated time and attendance solution, organizations can increase efficiency and save money.
  • Enhances Security & Productivity: Time and attendance software along with biometric data collection devices may be used to organize employee access to specific zones inside an office and track employee entry. Biometric data collections devices eliminate buddy / colleague data punching, diminish excessive liabilities, including robbery of high value assets / properties of the company.

It also helps increasing the productivity by making the process seamless and daily operations more effective and convenient. Eliminating legacy practices free up staff time, decreases staffing overhead, and provides administrator / managing authorities with appropriate labor data to more effectively handle their operations.

  • Improves flexible working – These are few significant considerations, particularly if your team incorporates individuals who are folks / parents or professions/ students, with the time and attendance tracking systems you can keep track of employee working hours via a host of technologies both on- and off-site.
  • Employee Satisfaction: With the help of time and attendance software, employees will be happier because timely and apt payment of salary is assured. Furthermore it keeps away from manual arrangement of time sheets. Administrators / management of an organization can enhance employee – employer relations by granting employee secure access to confidential information.
  • Quick & Efficient Reports: Want an immediate snapshot of all planned and unplanned leaves of a particular employee, team or department? time and attendance software allows users / managers to generate correct reports on work time, shifts, leaves, permissions, schedules, in addition to pay and contract information, events, training qualifications, and job and inventory details with just a few clicks of the mouse

Schedule a FREE demo today, we will show you how our TimeCheck – intuitive, user-friendly software can help your organization gain the benefits listed above.

Automate employee Leave & Permission management with Time & Attendance

Leave Management is one of the important aspects in HR processes. Although keeping track of employee’s leave is not a difficult task and does not take too much time, approving leaves is a delicate balancing act. HR has to ensure that employees avail their leaves in accordance to the leave policy and ensure the availability of sufficient resources for business continuance, while on the other he/she also has to improve employee satisfaction.

A recent research shows that leave & permission management has a direct impact on business productivity and companies without a time and attendance software overpays their employees and this is where its need is felt. Leave & permission management feature in Time & Attendance Software allows employees to plan their leaves in advance, HR/Management manage leave & permission as well as allows team to smoothly handle employees scheduled tasks.

Below listed are the functions of this leave and permission management feature in TimeCheck

Track leaves: There are various types of leaves like as Casual leave, medical leave, earned leave and loss of pay etc in an organization. Through leave & permission management feature you can easily keep track of employee leaves and thus avoid miscalculation in payment process.

Leave Acceptance: These leave and permission management features enables employee to submit their leave or permission request to any authorized personal like HR/ department manager and he can either approve or reject his leave application based on various eligibility criteria thus making the whole process easy.

Leave Cancellation: Suppose the employees have priority work and decide to cancel his leave application, he/she can cancel or reschedule their applied leave whenever they want before the leave is approved by authorized person. This ensures that the employees don’t have to move around to cancel their leave thereby wasting productive work hours.

Leave Status: This feature gives detail on the number of leaves taken by a particular employee on monthly/yearly basis, the approved status of leave and type of leave request. With a click of a button employee data for the selected period can be imported for real time insight.

In today’s competitive world to avoid time theft and see a significant reduction in labor costs organizations should automate their employee attendance. If you are interested in our product, please visit our features page for more information of our product or request for our product demo to get started.

How is Time and Attendance Software Beneficial?

Employers today accept managing workforce time and attendance in an efficient way can significantly improve business efficiency. To reduce administration costs and to gain insights into employees’ productivity nowadays almost every organization have implemented Time and Attendance Software, as it make ease of tracking time and attendance of employees than any other method.

This system plays a vital role by providing accurate and reliable information, and also by regulating employee time, attendance, and payroll activities in major business places and work stations. Automated solutions like Time and Attendance software aid you to run your organization effectively and efficiently.

The following aspects outline the benefits of time and attendance software for your organization.

Reliable Accuracy: Time and Attendance software mainly installed for reducing risks in manual time tracking systems. Comparatively automated solutions provide the accuracy rate of more than 99% than the manual method thus emphasizing that they are more reliable and accuracy.

Significant Cost Savings: Manually collecting, maintaining and calculating payroll process can consume lot of time, but with help of automated solutions, organizations can increase work efficiency and save money. Integrating time and attendance software for your organization instantly helps to reduce employment costs and increase work efficiency.

Security: Time and Attendance software integrated with smart card / biometric system integrated to control employee access at certain areas, with a facility to track their entry. It eliminates the proxy punching of the buddy and prevents from malpractice.

Improves flexible working: Time and attendance software helps for an organization to have employees working in wide variety of locations at the office / at remote location. Further more it is easy to track the employee working hours on both on-site and off-site through biometric system.

Employee Satisfaction: Employees will be happier with the time and attendance software, as it assures with timely and accurate pay. It also makes easy for an employee to access leave / permission requests very effectively.

Quickly and efficiently create reports: Without spending much time for searching data in a bunch of paper, Time and Attendance software can generate report quickly and efficiently with few clicks. This system increases the efficiency by optimizing appropriate information from the database when there is a need.

Time Check Software offers customized and cost effective software solutions for Time and Attendance management for your organizations. For more details contact us.