Benefits of Managing Your Employee’s Attendance Data

Companies wish to succeed by ensuring that staff consistently attends work and they are equipped to manage their productivity and streamline costs. Of course companies can achieve this by adopting time and attendance management processes. The solution actually reduces time and effort of administrative team at the same time helps improve employee regulatory compliance.

The main need for attendance management is to smartly deal with attendance related problems and better control labour workforce. To get maximum results ensure to find troubling patterns in real time from time & attendance software and address the problem early.

To have a successful attendance management system Install TimeCheck enterprise grade web based time & attendance software and track employee entry and exit hours, total number of hours worked and much more like flexi shift, overtime, to know what needs attention right away.

By streamlining their employee time & attendance data organizations can save time, have a clear data on true costs and pave ways to achieve positive effect on business results. Following are the benefits of successful administration of employee attendance


  • Reduced staff time to maintain and control absenteeism
  • Reduce employee time theft
  • Disciplinary action being forced
  • Increases paycheck accuracy
  • Better insight into employee’s work hours
  • Exponentially cost savings
  • Positive effect on business results
  • Provides employees with timely information
  • Provides real-time labor analytics

We see organizations still using punch cards & out of date timekeeping systems. To deal with cases of excessive absenteeism and to integrate an employee time and attendance system into your business Contact Us.

Why Time & Attendance Software is a Must for Educational Institutes?

An educational system is the place where we cultivate the habit of doing things manually & probably that is why it is one of the few sectors that has complex systems to handle but follows manual paper based process. With the rising standards, the educational institutes are finding it difficult to manage it properly with the age old manual process.

Educational institutes are in a position to deliver a positive image in all possible ways to ensure that the institution is well managed & is safe for children. And with the advent & constant evolution of time and attendance systems, even managing the most complex process like tracking and reporting student′s / staff attendance, managing leave policies, weekly off eligibility and overtime hour calculation has made easy.

How will be a time & attendance software at an educational institute useful?

  • Track, Manage & Report your staff / student attendance seamlessly without having to resort to manual entry process
  • Mapping of leave policy details and Leave reporting hierarchy with particular Staff / Student
  • Easy import option for importing student & staff data profile into the application without tedious manual data entry
  • Flexibility to define Global Holidays and Restricted Holidays & Effective Leaves & Permissions management
  • Get Instant updates about student & staff daily attendance
  • Extensive reports with various filtering options for better insights and in-depth analysis like late reports, attendance reports and exception reports like late entry, overtime etc
  • Provision to submit leave / permission request through the application & allowing the respective authorities to approve / reject them accordingly.
  • Synchronizing employee attendance, late entry, overtime details with payroll systems.

The usage of time and attendance software has become mandatory these days & the need for accurate time & attendance monitoring is increasing day by day as we have said in this blog already. A time & attendance solution not only helps you to manage the time & attendance process of your institution but also reduces administration & associated costs through automating the hectic manual process.

Combined with our GPS based School Bus tracking solutions, TimeCheck’s time attendance software is a part of a solution that provides the much needed relief to parents regarding their children’s safety concern. Manage time and attendance needs & guarantee the parents their children’s safety with our web based time and attendance software, Contact us today.

Increasing Need for Accurate Employee Time & Attendance Monitoring

Accurate time tracking is essential for small & large firms to increase billable & reduce non- billable hours. Today every organization has felt the need for time tracking software as each of them have different departments and each follow different working style & so they believe tracking employee time takes time and custom made software is required to meet their unique needs.

Provides Flexibility

Flexibility is the need for the hour, Timecheck browser-based application attendance module has the flexibility to be configured and customized according to organization HR policies. Further, it can be integrated with any of customer’s existing time / attendance recording device. Here you get facility to auto-generate time & attendance reports handle wide variation from creating multiple shifts, com-off, breaks, on–duty, minimum working hours, over time and much more based on company policy.

Controls Costs

Employee Time & Attendance Monitoring need increased day by day as it controls labor expenses, avoids overhead costs and headaches associated with manual timesheet solution. Filters & sorting criteria available in it enables managers to generate reports to view the deviation in shift time & total working hours against the man power planned for the day / week / month. As transparent, systematic approach to managing employee time & attendance produces positive effects its need is felt across industries all over the world

Boosts Profit

Time is money, installing this system intuitively categorizes time punches and provides accurate data to payroll system that automatically calculate hours to be paid. Installing this system will let employee to view their punch record & resolve if any discrepancy occurred due to punch error. It replaces tedious, error prone paper methods, easy to use, can be accessed from anywhere over the Internet.

As it empowers you with individual employee wise, department wise attendance report and boots profits its need is increasing gradually. To know more on its other features Leave a comment on Increasing Need for Accurate Employee Time & Attendance Monitoring

Automate Time & Attendance System for Information on Workforce Activities

In the highly competitive environment, organizations must adopt to industry trends in order to ensure its success. Recently Companies are automating many of their process one major adoption is Time & Attendance management automation, to get exact data needed for analysis. With Time & Attendance management system organizations can enjoy real-time insights with detailed reports that can be customized with filters and groupings to get the exact data employers need.

Employee time tracking software applications has many features, it goes well beyond the function of logging when employees comes in for work and when they leave from work each day. Based on demand and incompliance with organization regulations we can configure the system and enable it to your business processes to ensure accuracy and compliance. With an intuitive dashboard you can easily view your workforce activities and also achieve your goals of decreasing labour costs, improving workforce efficiency and effectively managing absenteeism.

Rostering features of the system will allow you to create and modify employee schedules easily in no time, Integration of the system with payroll will save hours by simplifying the entire payroll process. Employees will be satisfied as time and attendance software guarantees timely and accurate pay. It improves employer-employee relations by giving employee secure access to their personal data.

With Timecheck software you will have the right information at the right time. It will help your organization to be proactive and to improve productivity. To learn more about Timecheck features visit our website

Leverage on Attendance Management System to Acquire Accurate Information

We see managing labour costs becoming complex, with unpredictable staffing levels, multiple remote sites, shifts variations etc. In today fast pace world; companies must adapt growth and new technologies to improve efficiencies. Companies that haven’t leveraged on automated attendance management system are under pressure with tracking employee time & attendance on spread sheets and punch cards. In such cases, we could see employers spending more time & money on administrative responsibilities to save money.

On the contrary, leveraging on automating employee attendance management system will eliminate the frustrations and offer tremendous benefits to both employers, and employees. Adopting this technology will give actionable business insight, eliminate complication involved and allow streamlined management. Web based time & attendance software has enormous features to easily collect, filter, track, and manage it from anywhere anytime. It will provide accurate information for payroll preparation, reduce time taken for employee scheduling & improve wage and hour compliance.

With this automated attendance management system at your place you can decrease staffing overhead align your staffs with the business demands and also gain a competitive edge via better customer service. Timecheck, enterprise grade attendance tracking software can be configured to adapt to your work policies. Companies leveraging this automated Time & Attendance Management can reduce your labor costs, get quality reports for informed decision-making. In short, automating time and attendance management remains profitable as well improves employer-employee relations.

For more information, please visit TimeCheck website that holds more info on its features and benefits.

Time to Re-Think About Automating Your Time and Attendance System

Do you find it difficult to collect all the time keeping sheets, manage them and get proper data on employee Time & attendance? The answer to this question is very simple “As times change, we need to change too. For instance, earlier organizations used to do time keeping manually and they also did using punch cards. Today those methods are old-fashioned and current trend is eliminating the inadequate spreadsheet schedules and automating this employee time and attendance with biometric technology. Time and attendance software has much more than it is given credit for.

A recent study undergone states that organizations which made use of automated biometric attendance software has decreased errors, buddy punching as well increased in the utilization of workforce capacity by 11%. To maximize business productivity and eliminate time consuming manual process make a point to bid goodbye to the traditional ways of timekeeping and adopt the new technology available.

With TimeCheck Employee Time tracking software your HR manager no need to spend hours in cross-checking and calculation of payroll instead can set shift rosters, access employee time and attendance data in real time, store and retrieve employee time and attendance data on a single click and make informed decisions

Leverage ANGLER’s TimeCheck time tracking software to simplify your workforce time & attendance management. With this Employee Time Tracking Software you can streamline time &attendance processes and substantially increase workforce productivity, have control over lateness and absenteeism as well manage employee time professionally and efficiently. By deploying customized methods you will be able to help your business in more ways than one. To benefit from a scalable solution contact us

Simplify Employee Time Tracking Process and Maximize Productivity With Timecheck

The main purpose of installing attendance management system in organizations is to bring in discipline among employees. By automating time & attendance, organizations have witnessed significant and tangible benefits. time and attendance solutions helps organizations to automatically record employee like in/out minutes, attendance, absenteeism, overtime, on duty, shift records, holiday &leave details and thereby maximize employee productivity and minimize operating costs.

In these technology driven times, automating your business with a time and attendance software free up HR manager from strategic tasks and assists him to perfectly create schedules that align labour with forecasted demand and increase productivity across various departments in the organisation. Organizations that utilize the latest advances accomplish measurable gains.

Being fair and just system it improves data accuracy, reduces discrepancies and employee morale in the workplace. Configure and customize Time & Attendance software according to your organization rules and simplify Employee Time tracking process. Implementing employee time attendance tracking software helps oprganisations to get real-time information, actionable insight which in turn would assist them control labour cost.

Furthermore, with this employee time tracking system you can better control payroll costs and stay competitive in today’s marketplace. For more information on TimeCheck application you can contact us.

Why Time & Attendance Software is Important for Manufacturing Companies?

Manufacturing & Engineering companies depends upon overall operational efficiency to gain profits and compete in today’s global marketplace. It is not just the production or sales that determine the efficiency of manufacturing units; they have to face in employee management.

With a large number of employees working in various departments, shifts and the presence of contract labours makes it hard for companies to manage the employees effectively. Manually managing large number of employees, their leave & permission, shifts, contract labours, lunch breaks, payroll etc is definitely a hard-hitting job which consumes a lot of time and resources and also prone to errors. This is where Time and attendance software comes in.

Fully integrated Employee Time Attendance software can help manufacturers in reducing management costs by streamlining employee leave, attendance, shifts etc and increase employee productivity thus increasing overall efficiency of the company.

So why Time and Attendance software is important for Manufacturing industries?

  • Manage Employee Leave and Attendance effectively thus avoiding miscalculation in salaries.
  • Monitor entry, exit, late entry, permission, lunch breaks of employees and increase production
  • Define & monitor organization level hierarchy like Company, Region, Branch, Department and also Group multiple companies and manage their organization level hierarchy.
  • Easily allocate regular and temporary shifts for ‘n’ number of employees using shift management features.
  • Shift Pattern and Shift Roaster features to assign shifts for a huge or complex workforce in just a single click.
  • Ability to manage contract labours separately thus avoiding discrepancies in payroll calculation.
  • Year Closure features to carry forward the leave balances to the next year.
  • Integrate with payroll software for impeccable payroll calculation.
  • Extensive level of reports with various filtering options for better insights and analysing employee productivity.

Effective employee management means increase in operational efficiency which in turn leads to increased productivity thus increase in profits for the company. In this fast growing competitive world, many manufacturing units, be it small or large are opting for Time and Attendance software to take care of their employee management related issues.

If you think that the above points match your organizational needs, then it is time to integrate your company with our Employee Time & Attendance management software. We are just a form away, Send us your requirements by filling out the form here, we will get back to you.

Reasons for Why Organizations Need Automated Timekeeping

Timekeeping is of paramount important for every employer & also for businesses with remote employees. Automated Timekeeping helps organizations to streamline operations, reduce labour cost and help maximize returns. Every entrepreneur seeks practical ways to minimize cost & maximize revenues. By implementing Timecheck Time & attendance management solutions organizations can monitor daily time records, manage shifts and handle time-based allowances easily efficiently and at lower administrative costs.

Listed are the main reasons for why organizations need automated Timekeeping

  • Minimize Labor Costs – By installing an automated timekeeping system employers can lessen money spend on employee.
  • Reduce Administrative Costs – Reduce human errors and minimize hours required to organize payroll.
  • Stop Employee time theft– Employers can eliminate “buddy punching,” leaving early, arriving late, long lunches, extended breaks etc.
  • Avoid disputes – By accurately tracking employee work hours, labour disputes can be avoided.
  • Employee liability – Automation of timekeeping makes employee more punctual.
  • Increase Profitability –Manage human capital effectively and lets employees concentrate on value-generating activities rather than routine tasks.
  • Reports Visibility– Make supervisors to track employee attendance accurately against the approved leaves & allocated shifts.
  • Manage Workforce –Supervisors can easily manage employee leaves, shift and track total staff coverage
  • Employee Morale – Employees will be satisfied and he won’t worry about getting paid accurately for their time.
  • Business Profitability -By properly managing employees’ time business profitably can be achieved.

Automated timekeeping solutions keeps your business running at greater competence. For more information, contact Timecheck.

Why Time and Attendance Becomes a Basic Necessity?

In the present age organizations know the importance of having accurate data to manage their employees. Every day they are facing different challenges to get a clear picture of employee time & attendance. Technology has created a noticeable impact on every sector and there have been a major change in the method tracking and monitoring employee’s time and attendance, the older method of tracking details was carried manually, but now the practice exists no more, punching cards and biometric time clock are the latest adapted trends. These automated systems were directly linked to computers/server to maintain proper record of the entry and exit details of the employees. Organization find this Time and attendance solutions as an important need to run a business.

Need to have time and attendance

Managing & Tracking the Employee Time & Attendance is a complex challenge. We all know it’s hard to keep eyes on all employees in various work environments also it’s too difficult to guess on what each one is doing. Time and attendance solutions from Timecheck can be a major benefit for corporate organizations that prefer to minimize the time spent on administration tasks.

Time & attendance Software becomes a basic Necessity for all small, medium sized businesses and large corporations. As it’s a web application that automatically keeps tracking of employee worked hours and allows the employer to manage and view all time and attendance related reports instantly.

Benefits of having Time and attendance solutions

  • • Process weekly work hours automatically
  • • Forecast payroll costs based on rosters
  • • Calculate a wide range of allowances
  • • Track labour costs
  • • View a full history for each employee
  • • Calculating errors can be reduced
  • • Easy-to-adapt features
  • • Leaves can be managed effectively
  • The benefits of a time and attendance system are numerous; managing workforce and payroll Processing will only be accurate with reliable data. Time and attendance systems are Invaluable for ensuring compliance with labor regulations regarding proof of attendance. A proper time and attendance management system that meets your organization’s needs and integrates Payroll calculations are the systems that can lead to a strong return on employee investment and a positive effect on overall Business results.
    To know more about Time and attendance solutions, contact us now.