Advantages of Tracking Hours in Construction Firm

Generally, the tracking of employee is done with a paper, but times have changed and firms are evolving to use smarter more effective ways to track employee hours. A time tracker for construction sites gives privileges for both workers and employers. By implementing Time check software for construction workers time and money is saved and also the productivity is increased.

Tracking hours in construction improves bottom line and will reduce the stress. When you have an ideal time tracking system the time spent on a job is identified easily by the tracker and the employers can compensate hours correctly, also get profit by eliminating errors happened in timekeeping. In construction it is hard to manage projects accurately. Time scheduling and preparation of budget plays the important role in the construction business.

In this article, we are going to discuss about the Advantages of tracking Hours, some of the advantages are given below.

Saves Time with project management features

Tracking of Hours is essential in construction business. Doing it manually will take long hrs & may be error prone, to overcome this issue, we recommend you to use attendance tracking software which will automatically generate the employee attendance report. Time Check software saves more hours comparing to the manual method, so that business persons can focus only on the business growth. By using the time check software more time is saved, the login and logout time is automatically tracked by the software and the duration of hours on a specific project is calculated easily.

Helps Manage Overtime & systemize work

Overtime is sometimes necessary in construction. Projects with tight delivery dates will sometime leads to overtime work allocation. The time extension & compliance with Policy / labour law is automatically detected by the software and so we can manage overtime work hrs per resource, easily plan to dispatch people to different job sites and also see to avoid errors in calculating of an extra hours.

 Save Money

In olden days, hand-written paper was used to calculate the break taken duration during working hours. But Nowadays the hours are simply calculated by the software application itself. It will calculate the total hours worked and it will also calculate the break hours and will generate you reports in the way you prefer. The Hiding of late arrival or early departure the work can be captured and avoided, there by task completion by time improves and extra money spent unnecessarily can be saved.

Timesheet Errors are Avoided

In manual tracking sometimes Timesheet errors are occurred. An automated time tracking app eliminates the mistakes and flaws that exist with old timekeeping methods and save your business money. This software allows you to store data and empowers you to effortlessly do payroll calculations quickly and accurately, understand individual job costs in spite of distributed environment.

For more info about tracking work hours for Construction Industry Employees, how it works to your business nature contact us.


Improve your accuracy when billing clients by tracking hours with software

Professionals and business owners can improve billing accuracy and transparency with time tracking using the appropriate software modules or app. By using a time tracking app one can track the correct hours worked for each client or project, as the case may be.

The time tracking method is an essential practise that helps employers to manage the teams, to improve productivity and profits. Earlier it was done manually. Time tracking not only helps managers and employers but the concerned teams, employees and freelancers too. Without a time tracking system in place, companies and clients may lose money, whereas employees lose their productivity and creditability.

Application to accurately bill clients

Today, we find many types of time tracking tools, that are either an application or a readymade software, and each have their own set of features with unique user interfaces. But make your choice of the app carefully with the scope of work, the budget, the number of employees and the complexity in consideration. The right time tracking tool is digital, easy to use and tracks the hours accurately based on the time of clock-in and clock-out. Choose from the market, the right mobile app and desktop version to integrate with various payroll systems to help automate the billing process. Tracking hours with a reliable application is equally crucial for a freelance writer and an accountant looking to streamline the billing process.

Time Tracking is Important

Time tracking is an important factor in any professional work that needs billing of customers/clients. Besides the accuracy provided to both parties, it offers transparency for co-operation. The right time tracking software helps to improve the terms of cooperation and avoid any manual errors in billing with this software application. Earn the trust of your customer or client with accurate work hours billing and save time and cost in billing, unlike the cumbersome manual process. When you are involved in more than one project you can get lost in the process of tracking your work hours and separating them for each client, project or customer. The application using GPS and RFID tech can automate a lot of functionalities in the time tracking module.

A time and attendance software like TIMECHECK can be integrated to existing systems of a client. It is supportive to attendance policy changes that occur at times, managing efficiently various documentation, timesheets and supporting payrolls, at multiple locations or worksites. To support you with any of your unique requirements contact us.


The Right Software for Absence Management with Geo-Location Employee Attendance to Improve Productivity

Absenteeism not only affects the organisation but individual productivity as well. So, employers should look into the root causes that affect or result in this deviation, because if anyone works less they are likely to affect employees’ productivity and the organisation’s too. Reasons could include disengagement, burnout, as well as accommodation or illness. Employees may need time off legitimately for a variety of reasons, like short-tern or long-term illnesses, but unaccountable absence should be identified and resolved.

This is where an effective absence management framework should help to support the employees’ health needs but at the same time offer clear and consistent guidance to avert unauthorised absenteeism or unauthorised use of medical payment schemes. Almost 14% of annual working days of nearly a quarter of the companies are lost from the annual working day, owing to sickness or absences. Therefore, absence management is seen a top priority for businesses and organisations. If they fail to manage absence rates, they fail to control its risks and also tend to neglect employee welfare.

Time and Attendance Software solution caters to absence management

Absence management solutions help keep the cost of absence low and push up productivity. Otherwise, there is likely to be more non-compliance related risks. However, using a software solution integrated with time reporting, scheduling and payroll can significantly reduce errors in managing leave applications and find replacement simply by using the software application for time and attendance.

The unique benefit of using this workforce management software is its ability to eliminate errors and gaps. This is how it helps –

  • Absence communication is shared easily between managers and employees
  • Absence balances can be checked automatically or manually, ensuring employees do not take excess time off, as all types of absence balances are transparently visible at all times.
  • Helps to accurately forecast future balances, to plan leave usage and calculate earned time-off accrual
  • All accrual policies can be automated including proration and carryovers.

Data insights to handle absenteeism and productivity

The online time and attendance software helps to manage absences effectively with the time and attendance management app. One of the most powerful benefits of using the right software is the ability to eradicate errors and communication lapses. It improves employee welfare and insight into behaviour of workforce. With historical data you can see patterns and trends to help in making better plans and decisions regarding absence. A lot of features can be customised or automated and triggered responsively with the employee management software that can be integrated with a mobile app that reduces repeated manual entries and action. Easily incorporate into it regulatory and compliance updates too.

TIMECHECK time and attendance software can be integrated to various existing systems of a client. It is supportive to attendance policy changes that occur at times and helps to optimise productivity by managing efficiently various documentation, timesheets and supporting payrolls for employees, at multiple locations or worksites. More info is available on this website. Those interested may also request for a demo run for a limited period.


Compelling reasons & tangible advantages of Switching to Biometric Attendance Software

We are all living in an era of constant change. To ease attendance recording and track the workforce attendance, organisations need to install advanced biometric attendance systems. This software captures real-time workforce data and eliminates payroll-related problems. In this blog post, we have discussed the reasons to transform & advantages of biometric time and attendance software solution.

Reasons to Adopt Biometric Attendance Software

Either small or big organisation, doing a one-time investment can eliminate inaccuracies and benefit them in many ways. Allows HR Managers to go paperless, digitally record real time information like time in, time out, etc. for calculating and recording the attendance.

  • This system enhances security, by restricting employees from accessing specific departments.
  • Meets the need to record attendance of remotely working employee for an onsite project
  • Restricts employee from accessing entry to the office other than his allotted shift-in time
  • Helps gain clarity into calculating overtime work, payments, and attendance-related bonuses

Advantages of Switching to Biometric Attendance Software

  • Gain / boost revenue by scheduling employees in the right manner
  • Empowers HRs to generate speedy reports for immediate attention to issues if any
  • Very easy and convenient technology to improve employee accountability
  • Solution designed to ease your tasks, reduce costs, and offer effective operational benefits
  • Employee Self service module provides expected level of transparency
  • Centralised solution that brings all locations, departments and employees together

By installing this customised attendance software organisations could incorporate customised leave policies, sanction and approval policies with privileged based access control. To bid farewell to the excel sheets as well give employees a digital experience and save time & money implement state-of-the-art biometric attendance software that enables businesses or enterprise to eliminate buddy punching, time theft and make quick & timely decisions.

Contact us to adopt biometric technology that provide reliability, durability, and supreme performance for the user.


Managing Time and Attendance for Desk less Shift Workers

Time and attendance management has become critically important to manage the change in work patterns of employees. Industries having desk less workforce are facing many issues without right technology in place. Migrating to automated time tracking software & digitized timesheets helps you increase productivity with less physical effort. Today company can select the right attendance management system, can configure custom attendance policies as per their work nature and provide a seamless operation by withdrawing the wastage of time.

Manual Work Simplified

Adopting advanced time & attendance management software helps to record the attendance data of employees across locations and generate real time reports to keep track of their employee attendance and leave details.  Precise time and attendance monitoring platform prevents hour violations and helps stay compliant with live insights. Without this attendance management tools, it will be hard for shift schedulers and HR managers to provide the work-life balance.

Easier Time Scheduling

Industries investing in the time and attendance management solution can schedule work systematically and manage attendance of employees working in different shifts easily. Automated alerts & notifications right on the mobile phones of assist manager helped approve requests such as overtime and early departure immediately without any specific need for communication. Furthermore, employers can also define various attendance and leave policies to maintain employee morale and satisfaction.

Employee Location Tracking

Mobile GPS Based attendance tracking help remote/desk less workers manage their work schedules on a more autonomous level, and ultimately achieve work-life balance.  With this best-in-class GPS technology in place most employers can get insight into where employees are and what they are working on, besides seamlessly collaborate with their teams while on the job.

Due to greater visibility and transparency industries could seamlessly handle varying pay rates for employees and for jobs. Accuracy of the software ensure employee loyalty and retention. If you’d like to learn more on how Timecheck helps manage deskless shift workers at multiple sites, get in touch with us today!


How to Effectively Manage Tardiness and Absenteeism

According to statistics labour cost forms the largest expense for any company. Tardiness & Absenteeism affects both employers and employees alike, dealing with this remains a challenge for businesses. At the initial stage late and absent employees affect the morale and efficiency of the whole company. On a larger scale, the missed hours have a measurable financial impact.  Businesses must develop a policy to prevent these negative side effects from piling up, as well get prepared to meet goals when the team is inconsistent and understaffed.

Habitually late employees, cost time and money to your business. To overcome these challenges & manage attendances effectively HR have to consider different attendance issues like scheduled absences, unscheduled absences, and tardiness, then create a policy and next steps to reduce cost & improve productivity. As the opportunity for time clock fake exists with just manual entries & a basic fingerprint scanner device for time punch, consider deploying a time and attendance software solutions that will help you to stay one step ahead of any potential deception.

Attendance Monitoring Software Benefits

  • Policy configuration for late can be properly defined as per organization norms and it can be integrated with the existing leave deduction to stop employees from coming late
  • Attendance Monitoring software will automatically track employee, attendance and productivity, further to it, it can also keep track of employees who are sticking to the assigned work hrs and completing their daily recommended tasks.
  • Software will permit HR Manager, Department head to set up various thresholds for different employees
  • Centralised attendence management software that allow you to view clocked employee time, leave requests, and approvals, all from one place.
  • With this you could process the raw attendance swipes of employees and compute the actual hours worked, overtime, late coming, etc.
  • Daily attendance processing over monthly processing will help improve employee time management
  • Streamline your payroll processes and give you on-demand access to employee information.

To better manage tardiness and absenteeism contact us we can support you with implementation of time & attendance software that has features & custom modules to remedy issues in your employee attendance and gain momentum.

How to manage an Effective Shift Planning for the teams to adhere the production schedule

Employee absence impacts production and delivery timeline, missing of real-time visibility into employee shift scheduling is what make it difficult to mitigate. Automated employee scheduling allows shift scheduling manager to receive alerts in real time and enable them to find the most suitable employees to fill each shift by just swapping from their mobile device. Time and attendance monitoring software combine time tracking and shift scheduling to provide your employees with increased flexibility.

Manufacturing business with large workforce need to have a sound attendance management software to ensure that the employee attendance is accurate. Most organizations operate in multiple shifts and without this automated attendance processing system effectively managing the workforce is a bit challenge for HR managers & admin. With a best time and attendance monitoring software, you can automate this crucial function and streamline the most vital day-to-day operations of any business.

By installing an effective time and attendance tracking software employer can seamlessly manage unscheduled absences, without distressing other employees or their productivity.   Employers can customise & get overtime rules they follow for each group of employees, and the software will automatically process overtime wages every pay period. The software helps maintain labour compliance, facilitates in accurate and error-free calculation of wages.

To Save time spent on planning workforce schedules and shifts, time and attendance software streamlines the process of schedule creation, you can define shift plans for a department or even an employee and manage complicated shift plans such as rotating, overlapping, and over-night shifts without any complication. With the right attendance management software, you can plan better for employee absences, this in fact will allow your employees to take the burden off your shoulders and make it easy to generate reports.

By leveraging time and attendance software you can define your attendance settings to suit your organization’s needs and enable your employees to get greater transparency, improved communication and engagement. So if you are looking for shift scheduling feature in employee attendance monitoring software contact us or leave an enquiry.

Need for ‘Cutting Edge’ Attendance Management Software

In today’s time as work got reinvented organization need to install a smart attendance management software for a smooth and seamless experience. HR suffers managing various spreadsheets for various purposes might lead to big blunders and lots of confusion, so centralise & automate workflows to manage multiple schedules and keep track of progress in remote locations/onsite work.

Digitize Attendance Management & Reduce Cost

Time and attendance software allows Organizations to digitize the process of employee time tracking in real time, when employees start and end their shifts even for mobile workforce. The software allows managers with the flexibility to build employee schedules by jobs or shifts, which they can then share with employees to keep everyone on the same page. It can also be integrated with third party applications for seamless transmission of employee time-tracking data to your accounting and payroll software.

Seamlessly Monitor Remote Workforce Attendance

Cutting Edge’ Attendance Management Software helps add value to businesses of all types and sizes. Latest advancement includes capturing real-time employee attendance for any geographical area, for employee on premises, from different project sites or from home. If you have a remote or mobile workforce, you can take advantage of mobiles geolocation technology to ensure your staff is where they need to be during work hours.

Shift Roster Management

Organisations implementing good attendance management software can empower significant HR functions and helps you overcome productivity challenges at the workplace. HR’s professionals & Shift Manager can keep a close eye on employee attendance and absences which in turn helps overcome important productivity issues. By utilizing the time and attendance tracking software you can also customize attendance, shift, overtime, time-off rules and have logic for time tracking with automated workflows.

User Friendly Dashboards

Smart dashboard gives HR Managers a holistic view of associated parameters. Employees & Managers can access a self-service dashboard “My calendar” Module that lets them manage their team’s & individual time and attendance data from a web browser. HRs can save many man-hours, eliminate errors, and ultimately avoid discrepancies.

To stay ahead with the changing culture & meet the demands of the new work environment you need to integrate your attendance tracking device to a future-ready attendance management software. To support you with any of your unique requirements contact us.

Why Automating Attendance Management is a Must in 2021

Automation is a growing essential as it vastly reduces the time taken to do the same job manually. Implementing custom software solution reduces redundant expenditures, improves efficiencies and ensures costly errors are prevented from happening, eliminates any room for errors that would, otherwise, occur with manual calculation of wages, bonuses and overtime compensations.

Most businesses embrace technology and automation to replace specific tasks that would otherwise be performed by a person. All growing organizations are automating their time attendance system to track their employees’ total working hours. It will enhance transparency in the company and emphasize punctuality in its culture. Owning a Web, Mobile based attendance monitoring software solutions will allow HR managers of the organization to save time and cost, as well eliminate data inaccuracy. One major advantage of this attendance tracking software is user can define all unique possibilities.

Functions to Automate & Decrease Operating Cost

Allocate Week offs deliberately

You can easily define weekly offs based on employee categories (full time, part-time, contract, temporary, factory etc.) and assign specific policies for them. Automated Software System will by itself can help a user to classify if an employee is absent or in leave and allow you to take care of all these effortlessly in a large organization like Retail stores, BPOs, & in manufacturing plants.

Allot branch wise public holidays:

The automated attendance system enables multinational organizations to define public holiday based on the geography of the branch office. This feature saves time and effort, as well helps the company to comply with legal mandatory.

Measure total Work hrs / Overtime

With this automated employee attendance management software in place calculation of overtime applicability can be predefined. Per hour cost variations for Assigned OT to different set of people can be enabled, first in & last out reports give feasibility to check total work hrs in a day / week.

Don’t worry how many number of employees you have, plants you own, or branches in various geographies. Using our Timecheck Software, can make attendance management highly accurate and avoid situations that cost you money. To stick to state wise legal mandatory requirements that are manually taken care at present and to minimize the time wasted on clerical works, abide to applicable labour laws leave us an enquiry.

Time & Attendance Software helps Retail Managers boost customer service and reduce labour costs

Companies in the retail sector are deploying robust attendance management software to track employee work hours and free up their managers as well eliminate errors due to manual record of time. By deploying an automated time management system retail stores can significantly reduce the administrative activities, processing time for salary payments.

In fact, it has become extremely important to ensure employees are fully compliant to company pay rules. To control overspend due to errors associated with manually prepared schedules & to making informed business decisions based on key business insights retailers do centralise attendance management system.

Advantages of Centralised Attendance Data

Web based Time and Attendance Software goes beyond mere time and attendance recording, it gives multiple ways for employees of retail stores to clock in and out, besides enables retail store managers to maintain an accurate record of attendance data with little to no supervision. Admin managers can save a substantial amount of time spent due to working on insufficient staffing, delay in customer service etc as with this attendance software solution they are able to access all stores employee data in real time from the head office.

  • Retailers can install this software on a server at the head office, enable all Time Clocks to upload attendance logs to this server, then each branch manager would have access to it through a web browser.
  • Even if your stores are located in different states, provinces or even countries, then with multi company supportive time & attendance application you can create a separate company for each store and even set different settings for each store
  • Customise the software to manage the province / state that provides overtime after 45 hrs per week and also those state / province that declares overtime only after 48 hrs.
  • Also feasible to create individual users who have limited access to a single store in which they work (such as managers) and users who have access to numerous stores (such as the head office staff).

The best portion of implementing an employee time tracking software is easy to use and gives employees multiple ways to clock in and out, easily manage paid time off (PTO), and easily integrates with any existing payroll service. Staff themselves can securely and easily access and view their own data whenever and wherever they want to and plan their own lives around it.

To implement this ideal time and attendance management software solution and keep track of work hrs, shift management and overtime calculations based on attendance rules configured in the system. contact us for free demo.